Support the House

The Twelfth Step House of San Diego is the non-profit corporation which operates Heartland House and its partner Living Sober home. The Twelfth Step House of San Diego was incorporated in 1960 and is recognized as a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) charitable organization by the IRS.

Like most nonprofits, the program fees we receive from government and individuals receiving services pays for only a portion of expenses. To provide our high-quality, multi-dimensional program, we must raise 12% of our budget through donations and other fundraising.

Your donation enables Heartland House to:

  • Offer services on a sliding scale. Many men enter recovery having “hit the bottom” — mentally and often financially. Help us continue to be able to open our doors to every man, regardless of his ability to pay.
  • Expand our onsite therapy and medical services. Offering men therapy and treatment to address the triggers of their addictions strengthens them against relapse.
  • Serve more men. This is a long-term goal to expand and reduce the wait time to enter Heartland House.

Truly, we need your support to provide recovery services to men ill from their addictions.

There are different ways you can help:

  • Donate Now: Clicking here: Donate Now, or click on the red “Donate” button in the menu bar. Consider a sustaining, monthly contribution. Our sustainers provide an important, stable income source.
  • Planned Giving: A bequest in your will leaves a legacy that will benefit men suffering from addiction as well as their families into the future. A financial planner or accountant can review with you how a donation of cash, stocks, life insurance or other financial holdings may benefit both you and the projects of the Twelfth Step House of San Diego. If you are interested in speaking with staff about a legacy gift, please contact John Prendergast at
  • Amazon Smile: Shop through AmazonSmile and designate the Twelfth Step House of San Diego as your charity of choice. You will access the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon, and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Twelfth Step House. For more information:
  • Support our Events: We would love to see you at our annual gala. Please join our email list to receive occasional updates about our programs and an invitation to our annual gala. Sign Up to Support our Events.
Who does Heartland House serve?
Our programs serve an average of 110 men annually, most between the ages of 18-65. The majority of these men are low or moderate income.  69% of clients rely on family or friends for housing or are homeless.  Our veteran population has been increasing steadily.  Last year, 46% of our clients were veterans. The majority of veterans we served (over 60%) had physical and/or mental disabilities.
How do I know my donation will be effective?
Heartland House has brought benefits to San Diego County for over 56 years by providing residential treatment to adult men recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. The benefits of our program reach not only each man served, but his family and friends, and the community at large. Our effectiveness is demonstrated by our long-time contracting relationship with the County of San Diego HHSA Behavioral Health Sciences and our special history with the Veterans Administration (VA). Heartland House is one of only two recovery facilities in San Diego County contracted by the VA to serve veterans with substance abuse issues.

Our program has a robust evaluation. During their stay, Heartland House residents are tested to ensure they remain clean and sober. We track the number who complete their program, make progress toward goals related to their health, employment and family relations; and the average length of stay. We follow up with clients completing the program to track the percentage who remain clean and sober, attend 12-step meetings, have a sponsor, have no criminal activity, and are employed or are working on employment. We met or exceeded our targets in each of these areas. For more details, see our infographic report

How do I know my donation will be spent wisely?
The Twelfth Step House of San Diego (DBA Heartland House) is proud of its budget and fiscal responsibility. Our IRS 990 form, budget and expense charts, and most recent audit are all available for review. These documents show low overhead expenses and a clean audit. In addition, we have been given a Gold Rating from Guidestar, (the world’s largest rating agency of nonprofit organizations) based on its review of our organizational operations, finances, measurements, and results. 
How do I know my privacy and identity will be protected?
The Twelfth Step House of San Diego has a Donor Privacy Policy that meets best practice standards for nonprofit organizations.

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