News from the House June 2023

by Jun 12, 2023Blog0 comments

From the House Newsletter Section

It’s almost summertime and our Heartland House team has had a productive spring. Here’s what we’ve been up to:

It’s electric: While completing our electrical system upgrades to the main building in early 2023, we determined that the building requires substantial improvements to the equipment that connects it to the power supply line operated by San Diego Gas & Electric. Thanks to the generous flexibility of the Prebys Foundation, we were able to re-purpose grant funding that was earmarked for other improvements to use on these previously unplanned, higher-priority electrical system upgrades. We have engaged a contractor to complete this work and are waiting for SDG&E permit approval.

CARF accreditation: In late 2022, Heartland House embarked upon a goal to achieve a key accreditation by the independent Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). This distinction, referred to as the ASAM* Level of Care Certification, gives patients, loved ones, payors, and regulators the knowledge that a given treatment program is capable of administering addiction treatment that is based on a patient’s specific background and appropriately matched to their individual needs. CARF representatives evaluated our facility and program from May 22-24 and we are hoping to receive this accreditation by the end of July.

*American Society of Addiction Medicine

Exploring AI: With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) as a force of great potential in nearly every aspect of our lives, Heartland House is keeping a close watch on new developments and newly discovered uses for AI in the world of addiction treatment. This issue contains the first of a series of blogs that Heartland House will publish on this vital and relevant subject. And for a taste of AI capabilities, read on into Founders Day….

Founders Day: On June 10 we celebrated the events of 1935 that brought Bill Wilson and Robert Smith together to found Alcoholics Anonymous. While the founding principles of AA have not changed, the ways in which its members interact with each other and obtain information have evolved with the technological advancements of the 78 years since Bill and Bob first met.

To demonstrate, our Heartland House team utilized an AI chat application, BARD by Google, to obtain an AI-generated description of the significance of June 10. The AI application uses online sources including facts about the founding of AA and its content/narrative writing databank. Our team asked BARD, “What do you think about Founders Day June 10th?” Here is BARD’s response:

“I think Founders’ Day on June 10th is a very important day. It is the day that Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. AA is a 12-step program that has helped millions of people around the world recover from alcoholism.

“I think it is amazing that two men who were struggling with alcoholism themselves were able to come up with a program that has helped so many others. I am also grateful for the many people who have continued to work to keep AA going strong for over 80 years.

“I believe that Founders’ Day is a day to celebrate the power of recovery and the hope that it can bring to others. It is also a day to remember the two men who started it all, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith.

“If you are struggling with alcoholism, I encourage you to reach out to AA. It is a program that can help you get sober and stay sober. You are not alone. There are people who care about you and want to help.”

We were amazed at the foregoing prose and are hopeful that our team, and the recovery industry, are able to harness the power of AI to do the most good for those who need our help.

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