A Message From David Long, Heartland House Board Member

by Jun 9, 2023Blog0 comments


I’m David Long, a Heartland House board member since 2020 and the board’s Treasurer for the past two years. I serve Heartland House out of my personal passion for helping those affected by Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and my dedication to the mission performed by the House’s stellar team of professionals.

My regular job and expertise are in real estate, advertising and digital marketing. This means that I rely heavily on the latest technology to attract and inform prospective and existing clients and stay up to date, up to the minute, on what affects my businesses.

With technology advancing at exponential rates, it is a challenge to keep up with every development as it occurs. A vital trait for individuals and organizations in this rapidly changing world is adaptability and an open mind toward leveraging the new tools that have the potential to make us more productive, improve the accuracy and quality of our services, and free us up to make the highest and best use of our time.

When I look at our Heartland House team I see this adaptability and openness in practice. When the COVID pandemic essentially prevented a great deal of client/patient-to-professional interaction, Robert Cook and his staff rapidly developed the means for individuals at Heartland House to conveniently access telehealth resources as well as attend counseling sessions and recovery meetings from the safe environment of Heartland House facilities. And when the opportunity presented itself to implement the latest in client health record tracking and security innovations, the Heartland House team quickly secured the necessary funding and made available the needed employee hours to make it happen. This resourcefulness and willingness to enhance its services has deeply impressed me, as well as my fellow board members.

Looking ahead, we see more and more technology advancements coming at a rapid pace. Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been and will increase in importance as a game-changer in the delivery of services that include SUD treatment. And I confidently anticipate that, as it has in the past, our Heartland House team will readily explore the possibilities that the burgeoning field of AI has to offer.  

I hope that you, our Heartland House family and friends, will continue to support us into an exciting future in the same way that you have in our proud past. Thank you for all that you have done, and will do, for Heartland House.

In gratitude,

David Long  

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