A Message from Frank Wagner, Heartland House Board Member

by Dec 6, 2023Blog0 comments


I’m Frank Wagner, a Heartland House board member from 2018 to the present; and, a past board member from 2008 through 2011. I derive immense satisfaction from being a part of this wonderful organization. Robert Cook and his team are true professionals whose dedication to the well-being of the House’s clients is exemplary. And their expertise and commitment extend to the administrative aspects of operating a first-rate recovery facility, from the painstaking billing and record-keeping processes to the myriad regulatory compliance requirements under which they do their jobs.

But there is even more to Heartland House’s commitment to excellence. As a career marketing and advertising professional, I understand the importance of tracking metrics. One of Heartland House’s notable areas of excellence is that of measuring its performance in the treatment of substance use disorders, evaluating results, and adapting its treatment practices in seeking greater success. The House continually strives to improve.

As 2023 draws to a close, the board and I ask that you take note of the outstanding work of our Heartland House team and consider assisting the House with a donation. Additionally, the Heartland House 62nd Annual Gala will take place in March 2024, and we urge you to contribute to this celebration and fundraiser as a sponsor or attendee. We thank you for your continued support and wish you and yours a joyous holiday season.

In gratitude,


Frank Wagner
Member, Heartland House Board of Directors


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