A Message from Tim Goodfellow, Heartland House Board of Directors

by Jan 16, 2024Blog0 comments

Happy New Year to all of our Heartland House friends,

We hope your 2024 is off to a wonderful start. Your generous support has given Heartland House bright prospects for ours.

You can read elsewhere here what the Heartland House team achieved last year, and what we intend to accomplish in this one. I’ll merely summarize by saying that we continued to seek and achieve excellence as a place of individualized, non-timebound treatment for men in their journey to recovery from substance use disorder. Our staff consistently demonstrate their commitment to improving their knowledge and skills, the quality of our facilities, and the effectiveness of every administrative process.

As a business owner, I understand the importance of leveraging available resources to succeed. I want every Heartland House donor to know that this team makes the absolute most of every dollar, item and service that we receive from you and that your kindness helps our clients to become clean, sober and productive members of society, making the San Diego region a better place to live.

On behalf of Heartland House, please accept our heartfelt thanks for all that you have done for us, and our warmest wishes for a blessed year ahead.

In gratitude,


Tim Goodfellow     
Chairman, Heartland House Board of Directors

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