
Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Developments in Methamphetamine Use Disorder Treatment Methamphetamine, or meth, is an illegal stimulant and a very dangerous, addictive drug. It is available in crystal, powder, and pill form, but its most common route of administration is intranasal (ie, snorted)...

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Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Addiction to marijuana is a condition that is a very true reality for many cannabis users. While it is more common among daily users, marijuana addiction treatment can help those having trouble controlling their habits gain new insights into their cravings and develop...

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Medication Assisted Treatment

Medication Assisted Treatment

Medication Assisted Treatment If you or your loved one is dealing with substance addiction, seeking help is the first step. In the midst of an ever-expanding opioid epidemic, communities across the country are demanding prevention and substance abuse treatment...

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What’s Happening at the House

What’s Happening at the House

Our Heartland House team continues to perform our mission in the face of the multiple challenges of the COVID pandemic. The entire Heartland House staff received their initial COVID vaccines at the end of January and will be administered their second vaccines in...

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Donor Profile: McMillen Family Foundation

Donor Profile: McMillen Family Foundation

The McMillen Family Foundation funds charitable organizations that serve people who are affected by drug and alcohol dependency. Continually seeking new avenues for making a difference in the lives of substance abuse sufferers, the McMillen Foundation focuses its...

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Artistic Discovery Therapy During Covid-19

Artistic Discovery Therapy During Covid-19

In early 2020, the Heartland House team implemented Artistic Discovery Therapy (art therapy) for their clients as part of the House’s Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment program. Art therapy has been used by recovery professionals since as early as the 1950s. Art...

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Employee Spotlight – Lafitte Banville

Employee Spotlight – Lafitte Banville

Lafitte Banville serves Heartland House in multiple, valuable roles. He is a credentialed SUD (Substance Use Disorder) Counselor to the House’s clients, and additionally holds the title of Program/Operations Manager. In that capacity, Lafitte oversees the orderly...

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Substance Abuse Rises During COVID-19

Substance Abuse Rises During COVID-19 -------------------------- In what is clearly  a crisis within a crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic has seen a concurrent  rise in alcohol- related -related incidents, overdoses, and the crimes that accompany heavy substance. Herein we...

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Rule 62 During COVID-19

Rule 62 During COVID-19 Staying sober during the COVID-19 pandemic can be truly challenging . With seemingly continual lockdowns occurring in California and  increasing numbers of positive cases, recovering alcoholics and addicts find their serenity and sobriety at...

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COVID Through the Holidays in California

COVID Through the Holidays in California Overview California is going through a difficult time right now. To get us all to the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, we all need to work together. But while we’re each doing our part, we still can celebrate the...

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Thriving in Social Isolation

Thriving in Social Isolation Social isolation can lead to a variety of hardships for people of any age. As humans, we crave connection. Staying inside all day without interacting with others can cause depression, anxiety, and other negative feelings. These negative...

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Emotional Sobriety

Different Phases of Recovery A person in recovery goes through a great many changes on the journey from newcomer to long-term sober individual. This blog discusses the emotional experiences and transformations that are a significant part of this journey. Experience...

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