From Tim Goodfellow, Chair, Heartland House Board of Directors

Greetings and welcome to our inaugural issue of From the House, Heartland House’s e-newsletter. We are delighted at this opportunity to reach out with updates for our friends, donors, recovery professionals and everyone with a stake in our organization and its mission.

When Heartland House came into being in 1960, its founders sought to provide the means and message of addiction recovery to men suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, referred to collectively today as substance use disorder. Armed with the 12 Steps of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, those individuals established a residential treatment facility that used the 12 steps, peer group support and the power of shared experience to promote sobriety and the return to productive society for their clients. This interactive approach to addiction recovery is today labeled “social model”, and it originated in the late fifties and sixties in Minnesota and California at places like Heartland House.

In the six decades that have passed since Heartland House’s inception, the available scientific knowledge of addiction recovery has grown exponentially. Today’s recovery professional is versed in the physiology and psychology of addiction and substance abuse and the in the medications that facilitate substance withdrawal and treat those mental disorders that can accompany addiction.

Armed with this expertise, our team at Heartland House uses a methodology of treatment that is tailored to the unique needs of each individual. An incoming client receives an in-depth assessment and develops goals to accomplish while in treatment, guided by a tailored treatment plan. Treatment includes individual and group counseling, therapy and instruction along with case management services. And unlike traditional treatment programs of specified duration, the Heartland House program is non time-bound, meaning that the length of each resident’s time in treatment is based on their specific needs and goals. And each resident’s progress is regularly assessed to determine if any adjustments are needed to various aspects of their treatment program, including their date of completion.

Our Board of Directors at Heartland House is truly proud of the stellar work our staff is doing to provide comprehensive, individualized, non-timebound treatment to the men who come to us in search of recovery from substance use disorder. We invite you to visit the Heartland House website for more information about The House and the difference we are making in the San Diego community.

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