Employee Spotlight – Mike Nunez, Counselor

Mike Nunez is a success story that we at Heartland House tell with great pride. A graduate of inpatient and aftercare programs at our facility, Mike’s diligence and personable manner deeply impressed our staff. Shortly after Mike told his story of recovery to a packed house at the Heartland House 2019 annual banquet, he was offered a position as an overnight caretaker to oversee the safety and security of the House and its clients during after-hours.
After joining us, in April 2019, Mike began to realize how much satisfaction he derived from helping others to build clean and sober lives. His passion for this work was readily apparent and he was asked to become a Counselor when an opening occurred. Mike says that he truly enjoys the opportunity to listen to, guide and encourage the men who are his clients. To further his skills, Mike is studying to become a Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor. He intends to complete his program and take the state exam later this year.
When asked why he enjoys working at Heartland House, Mike highlighted what he sees to be a positive, supportive environment that is fully dedicated to its mission of recovery for men. To quote Mike, “I respect the heck out of Robert and Lafitte for what I am learning and how much they tell me they appreciate my work”. Regarding the challenges of his job, Mike said that polishing his clinical writing skills is his current focus but that everything he encounters on his way to be surmountable “as long as I keep moving forward”. And while COVID presents a special set of issues, Mike says that the team just keeps performing its job, accepting that these are the circumstances and that it’s important to focus on what can be done versus what cannot be changed.
Mike’s attitude about his journey to the present is aptly summed up by how he felt when he received Heartland House business cards bearing his name and the word, Counselor: “I was overwhelmed with the sense that I have a role and a place where I am of service as a productive person. And I always try to show hustle, to go above and beyond to help and to learn.”
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