News from the House February 2023

by Jan 31, 2023Blog0 comments

Wow, has January flown by fast! Our Heartland House team, after celebrating the 2022 holiday season in our usual energetically festive fashion, has embarked on what we know will be an exciting 2023. Here is a snapshot of the biggies that lie ahead:

Yet more improvements: We happily reported in late November that construction was completed on our Main House Renovation Project that included a wheelchair accessible restroom and beautifully modernized kitchen. After the first of the new year we completed the outdoor deck (see photo), 2023 will also see us continue upgrading the main house with enhancements to the plumbing and electrical systems that serve the entire building. We’ll provide more details on this initiative as our plans come together.

And more accreditation: Heartland House also continues to strive for meaningful credentials that are earned by providing the highest quality of care to our clients. In 2023 we intend to achieve a key accreditation by the independent Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). In 2020 CARF teamed with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) to begin offering an ASAM Level of Care Certification. As CARF describes it, this certification gives patients, loved ones, payors, and regulators the knowledge that a given treatment program is capable of administering addiction treatment that is based on a patient’s specific background and appropriately matched to their individual needs. This is referred to as evidence-based treatment, the specific standards for which are defined by ASAM and reflect the understanding of addiction as a chronic disease that requires a continuum of care tailored to the client’s current condition as it improves or worsens. Stay tuned for more news on this effort.

And community involvement: As opportunities arise throughout the coming year, Heartland House will be represented at various recovery-related events. We are committed to carrying the message of hope and recovery wherever possible, so we ask that you look for us wherever recovery is being promoted and that you contact us through our website at if you are seeking participation from the House at your recovery-related event.

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