News from the House January 2024

by Jan 5, 2024Blog0 comments

From the House, 2023 in Review and 2024 Aspirations

A very Happy New Year to all of our Heartland House friends! Thanks to your support, we have completed a productive 2023 and laid the groundwork for more success in 2024.

One of our most significant 2023 accomplishments is the accreditation that we received in July from the independent Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). CARF accreditation gives assurance of business improvement, person-focused standards emphasizing an integrated and individualized approach, risk management, funding and contract access with transparency. Our 3 year accreditation identifies to patients, loved ones, payors, and regulators our commitment to deliver high quality safe and effective services with on-going performance improvement. Heartland House is proud to be among an elite set of providers who have achieved this confirmation of our quality of care.

Heartland House continued improving our buildings and grounds. We started the year by completing our outdoor deck, which now serves as a lively extension of our residential facilities where clients can recreate and socialize in the fresh air. Also early in the year, we identified the need for high-priority upgrades to the equipment that connects our main house electrical system to the power supply line operated by San Diego Gas & Electric. With the help of the Prebys Foundation, who allowed us to re-purpose grant funding that was earmarked for other improvements, we were able to address this challenge with considerably less financial impact than anticipated. 

At Heartland House we understand the need for community presence and collaboration, and we participated in a variety of recover-related events including the McAllister House Walk for Sobriety, National Recovery Month Celebration and Irish Outreach, San Diego. We also engaged in one of our most exciting partnering efforts, a project with the University of California San Diego to gather and model statistics that depict key metrics related to addiction and the effectiveness of Heartland House’s non-timebound approach to substance use disorder treatment. The results will provide us with vital feedback about our programs. And in the interest of social collaboration, we began planning the Heartland House 62nd Annual Gala, taking place on Saturday, March 23 at the Nautilus Room of the Coronado Civic Center on the shores of lovely Glorietta Bay. Visit (link) to reserve your seat.

2024 sees us continuing to improve our facilities and processes. At the top of our priorities is completion of the aforementioned electrical upgrades while we concurrently reconfigure our main house to expand its capacity by four beds, giving us a total capacity of 32. Additionally, we will make long-awaited enhancements to the landscaping surrounding the main house.

We will energetically participate in partnerships and interaction that includes completing our joint outcome measurement initiative with UCSD, engaging with the community in recovery events and outreach opportunities, and – oh, yeah – host an awesome gala in March.

Our Heartland House team thanks you again for your kind generosity and support for our mission, and we wish you a year of happiness and prosperity. 

Interested in attending this year's Gala?


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