Surviving the Winter Blues 2023

by Jan 10, 2023Blog0 comments

Surviving the Winter Blues

Happy New Year 2023 and kudos to all who celebrated the holiday season with their safety, sanity and sobriety intact. Your next mission: to skillfully experience the post-holiday calm and those cooler, darker and drearier days that can make one feel an emotional letdown called the winter blues. Here are some thoughts to how to do so:

Stay with Your Program

It’s easy to revert to old habits when the world has slowed down for the winter. Addiction is a disease often characterized by and certainly fueled by our tendency to let external conditions like weather and shorter days give us an excuse to miss those meetings, counseling sessions and recovery commitments that have helped us to get and stay sober. Suit up and show up to these vital events.

Stay Social

Whether it’s through recreational pursuits or service to your community, participate in positive interactions with other people. Addiction is also a disease of isolation that often responds well to social activity of a variety of types. Visit or video call friends and family, organize or readily accept invitations to movies, game nights, escape rooms or any other enriching endeavors that get us out of our heads and into the stream of society.

Care for Your Physical Self

Nutrition and exercise are key to maintaining a healthy frame of mind. Get some guidance or refresh your knowledge of those foods and supplements that are healthy for your attitude and energy level. Hone your food preparation skills with new recipes or a cooking class. Positive physical activity, like positive social interaction, promotes sobriety and sanity.

Ultimately we all can stay sober regardless of the time of year, our family circumstances, our work situation and every other aspect of our environment. Fidelity to our programs and sobriety-enhancing actions keep us sober and productive, even in times when the winter blues can set in.

Contact Us for Help

As always feel free to contact Heartland House for help for yourself or a loved one. And be well.

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