Slip vs Relapse

Slip vs Relapse

Slip vs Relapse Slip A slip is a single episode of use. Think of a slip as information, a signal that something is not working. Think about what happened, and figure out what changes are needed. A slip is limited to a short period of time, the risk to your safety is...
Being Around Non-Alcoholics

Being Around Non-Alcoholics

Being Around Non-Alcoholics In AA, often times its recommended that in order to minimize drink offers members disclose to their friends “at a proper time and place” why alcohol “disagrees” with them. AA also suggests reassuring people not to act differently around...
Being Of Service In A.A.

Being Of Service In A.A.

Being of Service in AA Doing service is voluntary but it is embedded in AA culture and is considered helpful both to the recovery of the individual member and to AA as a whole. Service positions include being involved in the running of a meeting, being a greeter,...
Jobs In Sobriety

Jobs In Sobriety

Jobs that are high stress, physically demanding, have a high rate of depression and provide easy access to alcohol tend to lead to higher rates of alcohol abuse.       Construction Workers Construction had the second highest rate of heavy alcohol use in...
What To Do After Recovery

What To Do After Recovery

What to do after completing a treatment program? It’s ok to feel nervous about life after getting through a treatment program or rehab. You’ve done all this hard work and achieved sobriety. But what happens next?   Coming Back Home Returning home after an...
Getting Your Life Back Through Recovery

Getting Your Life Back Through Recovery

Getting Your Life Back Through Recovery The feeling of contention during reflection is a solid indicator that you have made a change from your past. Achieving sobriety and getting your life back is one of the best rewards you can experience during recovery. It’s...

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